Pivot moves beyond programming and connects audiences of passionate Conscious Consumers with the ability to make change happen.

Pivot’s Core Audience of Conscious Consumers

SOURCE: Nielsen PRIZM 2015; Adults 18+

Over Index for:

Overview of the Conscious Consumer

SOURCE: Miner & Co Studio, proprietary segmentation study, 1Q15

Our Social Change Commitment Creates a Halo Effect for Advertisers

SOURCE: Nielsen Media Research; September 2015; [BRAND TRANSFERENCE2] Pivot is a network dedicated
to inspiring social change. Knowing this, how much more likely are you to do the following? (Base: Total)

Brand Support Increases on Networks Committed to Social Change

SOURCE: Nielsen Media Research; September 2015; [BRAND TRANSFERENCE1] Now thinking about television
networks in general, how much do you agree, if at all, with the following statements? (Top 2 Box; Base: Pivot viewers)