A good story well told can change the world—in the spirit of that vision, social action campaigns accompany our film, TV, and digital content to spark change.

SOURCE: comScore monthly average January 2015 – August 2015

Take Action Platform

Technology and Our Audience

The Take Action Platform (TAP) is’s proprietary technology, a direct-to-consumer social action and engagement app that connects Participant Media films and Pivot television content to action, giving brands the opportunity to drive measurable and meaningful results.

SOURCE: comScore

Social Action Network

TakePart and Participant Media’s Social Action Network is comprised of 150+ nonprofits who support our campaigns

Advocacy & Social Impact Case Studies

Pivot Television and The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust: Gardeners of Eden

Participant Media and The Malala Fund: Students Stand #withMalala

TakePart and Eileen Fisher: The True Cost